Who we are
A global Cyber Security and Blockchain Innovation Hub working with clients and partners to address current business challenges by exploring the potential of emerging technologies.
- Over 25 Years of Experince in working with emerging technologies like AI, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, Blockchain and others
- Support with regulatory compliance around Cyber Security and Data Protection including ISO 27001, PCI DSS, GDPR, LGPD and others
- Cerified Information Security Auditors, ISO 27001 and CREST Accredited
- Approved UK Crown Commercial Services Suppliers
Over 15 years experience in implementing standards and regulatory requirements around information security and data privacy including GDPR. A clear understanding of Information Security and Data Privacy provides a strong underpinning when looking at potential use cases and defining some of the compliance and ethical considerations that might arise
INFINITECH is a joint effort of global leaders in Digital Technologies and Financial Services
Working towards lowering the barriers for BigData / IoT/ AI driven innovation, boosting regulatory compliance and stimulating additional investments
- Novel BigData/IoT technologies for seamless management and querying of all types of data interoperable data analytics, blockchain-based data sharing, real-time analytics, as well as libraries of advanced AI algorithms.
- Regulatory tools incorporating various data governance capabilities and facilitating compliance to regulations (e.g., PSD2, 4AMLD, MIFiD II).
- Nine novel and configurable testbeds & sandboxes, each one offering Open APIs and other resources for validating autonomous and personalized solutions, including a unique collection of data assets for finance/insurance.
Despite rising investments in Big Data, AI and IoT in finance and insurance, a set of challenges still must be overcame to improve the overall efficiency of business processes and optimize decision making in the finance and insurance sectors. Infinitech provides support to overcome Regulatory barriers, the lack of datasets, testbeds and validated business models that otherwise prevent financial instiutions from realizing the full potential of these new technologies.

Secure, Privacy Preserving Data Soveriegnty
Persistent Personal Data Vaults empowering Secure and Privacy Preserving Data Storage, Soverignty, Sharing, Analysis and Monetisation
The lack of trusted, secure, ethical-driven personal data platforms and privacy-aware analytics, hinders the growth of the data economy and creates concerns.
- Holistic Personal Data Management
- Novel Data Security and Privacy Risk Assessment
- Twin-fold Data Brokerage Engine
- Edge and Centralised Analytics
- Privacy Preserving and Data Secure Retention Mechanisms
- Smart Data Interlinking
Cryptography, data anonymisation, remote attestation and trusted data exchange with TPM technologies between the Personal DataVaults and the DataVaults cloud-based engine. Privacy risk assessment for individuals revealing the true risk exposure factor of individuals based on the shared data

Integrated Framework for Predictive and Collaborative Security of Financial Infrastructures
An integrated, intelligent, collaborative and predictive approach to the security of critical infrastructures in the financial sector. A novel reference architecture for integrated physical and cyber security of critical infrastructures, which enables handling of dynamic, advanced and asymmetric attacks, while at the same time boosting financial organizations’ compliance to security standards and regulations.
- Integrated Cyber and Physical Security
- Predictive Security for Critical Infrastructures
- Security Data Sharing and Information Exchange based on Distributed Ledger Technologies and Smart Contracts
FINSEC's collaborative approach is based on stakeholders' collaboration across the financial services supply chain in the identification, assessment and mitigation of risks, including their cascading effects.

Promoting and Incentivising Federated, Trusted, and Fair Sharing and Trading of Interoperable Data ASsets
PISTIS brings forward a reference federated data sharing/trading and monetisation platform for secure, trusted and controlled exchange and usage of proprietary data assets and data-driven intelligence. PISTIS will advance the available techniques and technologies, such as federated data discovery and sharing, DLTs, data non-fungible tokens (NFTs), AI-driven data quality assessment and monetisation, to build trust among stakeholders and assuage their concerns.
Stakeholders will formulate a distributed network of existing and new data spaces with built-in governance brought by PISTIS to eliminate silos while accruing the actual data value and multiplying it through derivative assets in a fair and transparent manner.
- Federated Data Management, Interoperability & Governance
- Federated, Secure Data Sharing that concerns the effective management and on-chain storage of (multi-party) data contracts
- Data Valuation and Monetisation to systematically articulate and recommend an appropriate target value, indicatively taking into consideration the “cost” approach, the “income” approach, and the “market” approach

Patented Searchable Encryption to search and gather insight from data whilst maintaining complete privacy and security
Allows Cloud Service Providers, Enterprises and their clients to store encrypted data on the Cloud while being able to search over it. This pioneering solution gives users full control over the data stored on the Cloud. Our state-of-the-art Searchable Encryption solution reduces the network latency and the storage overhead, whereas, it is scalable across cross-cloud platforms. Hence, CityDefend has a profound impact across different verticals including Financial, Healthcare, Telecommunication, Legal Services, government and the Law Enforcement sectors. Our offering includes an API and a Cloud Integrated Desktop Application.
A new concept using probabilistic (non-deterministic) search queries which prevents any search pattern leakage. Malicious attackers are unable to infer any information about the query or the dataset, hence the system is immune to statistical attacks.
- Security and privacy are increased as the technology is based on a state-of-the-art encryption technique
- Manage and mitigate risks. CityDefend’s privacy preserving search capability enables targeted searching across distributed storage media, while integrating with access control policies
- Improve data governance. CityDefend facilitates data governance strategies by increasing data integrity and availability through secure sharing, and reducing the frequency and impact of breaches

Detect and Respond to API security threats across all your API traffic in real time
Monitors all your API traffic: between the client and server (North-South traffic), and between API endpoints (East-West traffic). It screens each call to determine anomalous patterns and threat indicators, and detect API credential theft, compromised accounts and authentication bypass attacks.
Inspects every API call for misuse. It uses AI techniques such as machine learning and deep learning to perform behavioural analytics, and provide adaptive risk assessments in real time. If the risk is too high, the request is denied — and your systems stay secure.
- Monitor and detect threats across all API traffic
- Stop risky requests in real time
- Receive instant updates on threats, prioritise privacy and grow your business through an improved security posture

State-of-the-Art innovative Holistic Cyber and Data Security Assessment suite
Monitors Cyber and Data Security Risks against globally recognised regulatory frameworks and standards supporting the delivery of Data-Driven Cyber Insurance and highlights and quantifies high-impact Cyber Risks
- Cyber Maturity Assessment
- Network Vulnerability Analysis
- Automated Penetration Testing
- Ongoing Real-time Insight and Response

Complete visibility into your sensitive data with efficient data discovery, classification, and risk analysis.
Simple to deploy and use, it provides you with a single pane of glass that allows you to get a clear understanding of what sensitive data you have, where it’s located, and its risks of exposure. With rich visualizations and detailed reports, you can more easily uncover and close your gaps, make better decisions about third-party data sharing and cloud migration, and proactively respond to data privacy and security regulations like GDPR, LGPD,CCPA, PCI DSS and HIPAA
Efficiently identifies structured as well as unstructured sensitive data on-premises and in the cloud. Supporting both agentless and agent-based deployment models, the solution provides built-in templates that enable rapid identification of regulated data, highlight security risks, and help you uncover compliance gaps. A streamlined workflow exposes security blind spots and reduces remediation time
- Effective solution for enterprise-wide data privacy
- Complete visibility and control
- Accelerated path to compliance
- Single pane of glass from discovery to remediation

Call To Action
Find out about the level of Cyber Maturity and Data Security in your organisation by taking a free assessment
How we can further support you
Information Security
COBIT and ISO 27001 - Best practice for implementing an information security management system, and is recommended globally. Supported by the Assentian State-of-the Art Compliance Toolkit.
Governance and Quality Management
Based on ISO 9001 with seven quality management principles, we will help you to continually monitor and manage quality across all of your operations, as well as benchmarking your organisation’s performance and service.
Data Security and Privacy
Support and management of compliance with Data Protection Regulations like GDPR, LGPD and US Privacy Shield. Access to the latest innovative tools and technologies to support real-time protection against sensitive data breeches
Identify and Authenticate Systems
Enforce authentication services like one-time passwords (OTPs) to web admin, User Portal, and more. Enforce specific end user policies, such as for DLP, device control, and more. Enforce encryption and password policy
Restrict Access to Personal Data
Granular, policy-based control over users, apps, web, and content to limit access to personal data based on business need-to-know. Role-based management separates authorization levels and detailed logging of all access attempts
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR)
Services to develop, deploy, test and manage a holistic BCDR approach from creating a strategy for achieving resiliency, through to impact analysis, risk analysis, tests, exercises and ongoing management.
Innovative Technologies
A decision-making platform for a real-time, integrated and omniscient supply chain. Plan, Track, Automate, Analyse and Optimise Complex Global Supply Chains. Enforce Fiscal Compliance and Trade Agreements. Support end-to-end Traceability providing irrefutable provenance and origin of goods compliance
Innovative transformational technology to support sustainable growth in global trade in the Food and Agriculture Sectors - grow your market share, access new markets, enhance sustainability and resilience of your business and sector, improve food security and standards and work towards the UN Sustainability Development Goals
Access to and Development of Innovative Products and Services
Becoming Resilient
Cyber and Business Resilience as a Service
Business Impact Assessment
Identification and prioritization of the functions and processes of the organization, in order to determine which will have the greatest impact in the event of unavailability. Assessing the resources needed to support the business impact analysis process. Analysis of the information obtained to identify any gaps between the defined requirements and the organization's ability to meet such requirements
Resilience Strategy
Selection of continuity strategies for providing ICT (Information and Communication Technology) systems and services that support critical processes in alternative locations, observing the best cost-effectiveness to reduce deficiencies identified during the risk assessment and analysis process of impact on business.
Incident Response
Implementation of a management/response process for incidents and emergencies (including cyber events), containing the critical assets of the organisation that will be monitored alongside the reporting models and the response strategies. This is supported by our proprietary suite for in-depth Digital Forensics.
Crisis Management
Development and Implementation of a Crisis Communication Plan. Assurance that the crisis communication plan will provide effective integration with internal and external parties.
Disaster Recovery
Documentation , Implementation and Testing of disaster recovery plans (PRD's) to be used during an incident that affects critical ICT systems and services, allowing the organisation to remain operational.
Support for ongoing management of organisational cyber resilience and continuous assessment of the business continuity management program and identification of opportunities for improvement in controls, helping the organisation to increase its level of maturity.

Call To Action
Find out about the level of Cyber Resilience Maturity in your organisation by taking a free assessment
Accreditation and Compliance
Meeting Globally Recognized Standards

Contact Us
St Catherines House, Woodfield Park, Tickhill Road,Doncaster, DN4 8Q9, United Kingdom